Business Insurance
Peace of mind
Mitigating Your Risks
Being underinsured with regards to your business insurance risks everything. Not just your business or equipment, but your well-being and your permanent peace of mind. Being over-insured is a bad idea too because it locks up money you could spend in much better ways. That’s why we insist on meeting with new clients. We want to make sure we understand your needs so well we can find coverage that’s a perfect fit.

Working for indy businesses
The art of finding the right insurance
What makes you unique can also make it hard for you find the insurance you need. We consider finding the right insurance for our creative clients (we believe everyone who owns a business is creating) its own art form. It’s also why we feel so strongly connected to local, creative businesses and why we work hard to protect them.
When you work with us, you’ll get the same customized service you give your clients. We can help with the risk, by finding you the right coverage and guiding you through all your options. At the very least, you’ll need to have basic “trip and fall” coverage for your shop as well as coverage that is specifically designed for your professional liability. So let’s talk shop!

Tattoo Shop Insurance
While you’re busy covering someone’s anatomy with glorious ink, we’ll we cover your hide with the right business insurance. Whether you just do tattoos or you include piercings, or even sell some weed paraphernalia, we’ll help you do your thing and do it right. Interested? Give us a call at: